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Tuesday, May 25, 2010

First Day of "Work"

So today was my first day of work!! Well, we took care of administrative paperwork (safety and the like), I searched the literature, attended a seminar(an American doctor who practices in Germany talked about medical studies--a total throwback to everything I learned in genetics last semester plus it was my first exposure to clinical lecture) and met with co-workers (there were at least 7 people I met and I have to admit, I did not catch all their names because the Germans say their names differently and when I see their name tag, my tendency is to butcher it by saying it in an Americanized way, which is no good and embarrassing for me).

More interestingly, I went grocery shopping now that the shops have opened. It was a different experience: my friend had to teach me everything. Things were in euros/kg which I was not used to and the best thing is the milk here is super pasteurized so it does not need to be refrigerated.

Tomorrow though I was promised that I would sit at the computer and learn data analysis!

Okay, I should head back to the dorm.

See you all tomorrow!


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